
歌手:Philharmonia Zürich, Fabio Luisi
规格:12 首

Wagner: Preludes and Interludes
Philharmonia Zürich & Fabio Luisi
Released on 16/02/2015 by Philharmonia Records – Opernhaus Zürich
Main artists: Philharmonia Zürich & Fabio Luisi
Genre: Symphonies
Digital booklet
Available in
logo Hi-Res
96.0 kHz – Stereo

1  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Parsifal – Prelude
2  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Götterdämmerung – Siegfried’s Rhine Journey
3  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Götterdämmerung – Siegfried’s Funeral March
4  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Die Walküre – Ride of the Valkyries
5  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Die Meistersinger Von Nürnberg – Prelude
6  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Tristan Und Isolde – Prelude
7  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Tristan Und Isolde – Isoldes Liebestod
8  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Lohengrin – Prelude
9  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Tannhäuser – Overture
10  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Rienzi – Overture
11  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Das Liebesverbot – Overture
12  Wagner: Preludes and Interludes : Die Feen – Overture

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