歌手:Boris Blank
规格:40 首

Boris Blank
Released on 21/11/2014 by Polydor
Main artists: Boris Blank
Genre: Electronic
Available in
logo Hi-Res
88.2 kHz – Stereo

One of the founders of the Swiss synth pop band Yello, Boris Blank empties his solo vaults on Electrified, an archival set that came into being with some help from online crowd-funding. The 40 tracks here are mostly instrumental, some of them simple sketches, while others sound complete. Blank’s trademarks — gurgling synths, deep bass, Latin rhythms — are all present, and while this quirky, infectious set will likely please all as cheeky audio wallpaper, Yello fans will get the most out of all these peeks behind the curtain. Ambitious fans who missed the boat might seek out the original, crowd-funded special edition which adds more music and artwork.

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HI-RES音乐社 » Electrified


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