Secret Symphony (Bonus Edition) (2 CD)

歌手:Katie Melua

毫无疑问,出生于格鲁吉亚的女歌手凯蒂·梅卢阿凭借2010年的《The House》惊艳了所有人,她与威廉·奥比特(William Orbit)结缘,将她熟悉的咖啡桌爵士乐流行品牌与精致的电子音乐融合在一起。也许是担心它没能像前三张唱片那样登上排行榜榜首,这位27岁的歌手回归导师迈克·巴特(Mike Batt),为其后续作品《秘密交响曲》(Secret Symphony)回归风格,这位前Wombles词曲作者为她早期的惊人成功负责。这是一次令人失望和沮丧的安全撤退。Melua独特的天鹅绒般的嗓音总是比围绕在他们周围的悠闲的水平编曲更吸引人,但她最后的努力是一个令人鼓舞的迹象,表明她可以把通常的晚宴背景音乐牢牢地抛在脑后。虽然巴特在这方面的贡献——比如《我得不到的一点》中昏昏欲睡的休息室流行音乐,《世界之墙》中钢铁般的乡村民谣,以及令人向往的、充满弦乐的主打歌——都是典型的优雅、端庄和低调,但它们过于礼貌,最终也很温和,让伊娃·卡西迪听起来像一个死亡金属表演。如果还需要更多的证据来证明巴特似乎在限制她的才华,那么梅卢阿对《忘记我所有的烦恼》这首自制的室内乐以及包括在内的四个封面版本更为着迷,从罗恩·塞克斯史密斯(Ron Sexsmith)的《金山银山》(Gold in Them Hills,但最终,这与一位似乎正在克服明显缺乏优势的艺术家相比,是一个明显的倒退。

CD 1
1  Gold In Them Hills
2  Better Than A Dream
3  The Bit That I Don’t Get
4  Moonshine
5  Forgetting All My Troubles
6  All Over The World
7  Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out
8  The Cry Of The Lone Wolf
9  Heartstrings
10  The Walls Of The World
11  Secret Symphony
12  Feels Like Home (The Secret Sessions)
13  Too Long At The Fair (The Secret Sessions)
14  Love Me Tender (The Secret Sessions)
15  It’s Over (The Secret Sessions)

CD 2
1  Secret Symphony (Live In Berlin)
2  The Flood (Live In Berlin)
3  A Moment Of Madness (Live In Berlin)
4  If You Were A Sailboat (Live In Berlin)
5  Better Than A Dream (Live In Berlin)
6  My Aphrodisiac Is You (Live In Berlin)
7  Gold In Them Hills (Live In Berlin)
8  Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out (Live In Berlin)
9  Crawling Up A Hill (Live In Berlin)
10  If The Lights Go Out (Live In Berlin)
11  Moonshine (Live In Berlin)
12  Call Off The Search (Live In Berlin)
13  The Bit That I Don’t Get (Live In Berlin)
14  Tiger In The Night (Live In Berlin)
15  The Walls Of The World (Live In Berlin)
16  The Cry Of The Lone Wolf (Live In Berlin)
17  Nine Million Bicycles (Live In Berlin)
18  All Over The World (Live In Berlin)
19  Heartstrings (Live In Berlin)
20  Mockingbird Song (Live In Berlin)
21  Two Bare Feet (Live In Berlin)
22  The Closest Thing To Crazy (Live In Berlin)
23  Kozmic Blues (Live In Berlin)
24  I Cried For You (Live In Berlin)

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HI-RES音乐社 » Secret Symphony (Bonus Edition) (2 CD)


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